Yavuz IŞIK
THBB Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı

We keep prioritizing sustainability on our agenda. We continue our certifications within the scope of the Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) Certification System, which our Association introduced to our country. In December, the CSC visited the Turkish Ready Mixed Concrete Association Quality Assurance System (KGS), which is the CSC Certification Body, at its Istanbul Kavacık office as part of its routine audits. During the visit, the CSC inspected KGS's "Responsible Use of Resources" certification activities on site.

As THBB, we organized a "Sustainability" training for the ready mixed concrete sector at the Kavacık office of our Association. We continue to hold our in-service trainings and professional qualification exams intensively.  We organized our "Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Tests in Earthquake Resistant Buildings" training in Istanbul in November.

We continue to steer our work by representing our country and our sector in international meetings. We represented our country and our Association by participating in the Technical Committee meeting of the European Ready Mixed Concrete Association (ERMCO), of which we are a member, held via teleconference in November: in the 2024 Extraordinary Representatives meeting and the 3rd meeting of the 32nd Term Board of Directors held via teleconference in December; in the Board of Directors meeting of "Concrete Europe" held in Brussels in December; and in the Board of Directors meeting of Swiss-based Concrete Sustainability Council, of which we are a member and Regional System Operator, held via teleconference in December.


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