Yavuz IŞIK
ERMCO ve THBB Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
President of ERMCO and THBB
Turkish Statistics Institution has announced 2017 third quarter growth figures with three-month delay. With the figures announced, an economy of Turkey that has managed to grow by 11,1% appeared to us. The manufacture sector has substantial contribution behind this success. On the other hand, the Turkish construction sector proved itself as one of the architectures of such success. The construction sector, to which ready mixed concrete sector provides inputs, seized a very important growth like 18,7% in the third quarter of the year. This figure in the third quarter of the year appears to be very high compared to Turkey’s general ratio of 11,1%. This figure is the highest growth figure attained by the construction sector for the last 14 quarters. The construction sector has grown for the first time in this size on the basis of third quarters since 2011. The Q3 performance of the construction sector that grew by averagely 5,5% in the initial two quarters of this year is impressive in every respect. In line with this performance, the construction sector that received %8,3 share from the GDP in Q3 of 2016 increased this share to %8,7 in the third quarter of 2017.In the third quarter, the Turkish construction sector achieved to create 72 billion- TL added value in current prices. The reason for me to explain this data to you is to show manifestly how important the construction sector is in the growth of Turkey’s economy.