Yavuz IŞIK
ERMCO ve THBB Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
President of ERMCO and THBB

We continue to represent our sector not only on a national level but also internationally in the best possible way. Most recently, we attended the Ordinary Meeting of Representatives and Board of Directors Meeting of European Ready Mixed Concrete Organization (ERMCO), in which we have been a full member since 1991 and I have been acting as its president Since 2016, held in Valencia, Spain. We evaluated the issues that affect our sector worldwide, including in particular quality, the environment, education, sustainability, standards, and works on digitalization, in the ERMCO Board of Directors Meeting that took place on June 13, 2019. In ERMCO’s 2019 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting held on 14 June 2019, I was re-elected as the President of ERMCO  hat is the biggest international institution of the world in the field of ready mixed concrete. With the assignment of us in ERMCO, to which I was re-elected in the meeting through the votes of 50 delegates and decision of the Presidency Council constituted by the representatives of Germany, Italy, and Turkey, we will set new targets for the improvement of the concrete sector in both Europe and Turkey and conduct works on how to carry forward our sector, as we did beforehand. With our scientific and technical infrastructure and experience, we will continue to be the indispensable part of the projects implemented in Europe.


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